My Journey as an Infection Control Coordinator and the 5 Mistakes I Made Along the Way
Presenter: Michelle Strange, RDH
Release Date: 5/31/23
Credits: 1 CEU, Free Self-Study
Expiration Date: 5/31/26
AGD Subject Code: 148
Reviewed: 2025
This CE webinar offers a unique opportunity to explore the experiences and lessons learned of an infection control coordinator. Participants will gain a deeper understanding of the importance of following IFUs and the common mistakes made during manual cleaning and sterilization of dental instruments, along with the advantages of using an instrument washer for improved infection prevention. The concept of the wicking effect and its implications on instrument recontamination post-sterilization will be explained, and the benefits of using closed-door drying autoclaves will be discussed. By the end of this webinar, participants will gain a deeper understanding of the challenges faced by infection control coordinators and the steps they can take to ensure infection control and patient safety.
Learning Objectives: • Understand the importance of following IFUs. • Identify the common mistakes made during manual cleaning and sterilization and the advantages of an instrument washer for improved infection prevention. • Recognize the potential risks associated with sharps injuries and best practices to minimize these risks • Understand the wicking effect and its implications on instrument recontamination post sterilization • Understand the importance of ultrasonic maintenance for effective instrument cleaning and infection control.
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